A major focus for us in the Leavers Department is preparing young people for the transition from Heronsbridge into whatever provision is appropriate for them post-school. For some this may be a College placement, where they would continue in a learning environment gaining further basic skills alongside more vocational based skills. Others may be ready for a training place that might lead to employment; or we may be preparing a young person for the transition into a mixed day service provision. Wherever the ultimate destination, the CWRE programme aims to give everyone the skills they need to make a successful transition at hte end of their time in the Department.
Learning takes place in a variety of ways including targeted tasks and accreditation, practical activities, group work, projects, visiting speakers and visits to workplaces and events.
Modules covered within the three year programme range from Pre-Entry level up to Entry 3, thus being appropriate for all the young people in the Department. Topics covered depend on the level of the course being undertaken, but include: Developing an Understanding of the World Around Us; Work Awareness; Personal Presentation; Setting Goals; Making Informed Career Choices; Identifying Skills and Qualities, and Preparing for an Interview, amongst others.
Our wider curriculum within the Department is also designed to promote these skills and encourage young people to be ready for their future. Activities and courses such as Enterprise; Travel Training; Using Domestic Appliances; shopping and preparation of basic meals all support young people to be more independent, whether that is at home or in the workplace.
The final part of our programme includes our Work Based Learning facilities and the opportunity for all young people to undertake an internal or external work experience placement. We have partnerships with 16 local employers who support us with this aspect of our work. The purpose of work experience is to develop key skills, confidence, self-esteem and vocational experiences to improve their opportunities for the future.