The Friends of Heronsbridge are a small, but dedicated group of volunteers, made up of staff, parents and just ‘friends’ working together to raise money to help provide equipment, facilities and services from which all pupils can benefit. The Friends of Heronsbridge is a registered charity with over 20 years of successful fund raising The ‘Friends’ raise thousands of pounds every year by organising events such as discos, soft play sessions, concerts, quizzes as well as our ever popular annual Summer fete.

Our work never stops. Throughout the year we are constantly planning and arranging functions, making appeals and processing applications for support. All our members are volunteers and devote spare time to ensure the pupils get the additional support unavailable through regular school funds.We also fund the school Christmas Presents each year which enables all the pupils to receive a gift from Santa Claus when they visit.
For all our latest news and upcoming events, follow us on Facebook or see our newsletters
We always readily welcome new members to our committee. This is open to parents and carers, staff or any ‘interested others’ would like to join us!
Please contact us: friendsheronsbridge@outlook.com
Samantha Lambert-Worgan (Chair)
Siarlot Hall (Vice Chair)
Jane Owen (Secretary) fohsec542@btinternet.com