
Welcome to the Leavers Department!

Our aim in the Leavers Department is to continue to develop and build upon the skills and experiences that our students have gained throughout their journey in school and also to give pupils the new experiences, skills and information to support and prepare them for a successful transition to life beyond Heronsbridge. This is underpinned by our school values and the Four Purposes set out in the ‘Curriculum for Wales 2022’.

Our vision is that we develop independent, confident young people through offering a wide range of opportunities and that this is sustainable throughout their life. We also ensure that pupil well-being is a priority and offer an array of support in this area including the Pupil Support Team (PST) and many enrichment opportunities including sport and music.   As part of our curriculum students follow a 3 year rolling programme which covers the core subjects and pupils will gain accreditation in Careers, PSE and an individual learning pathway match to their ability and interests. We offer a wide range of accredited modules differentiated from Pre-Entry Level through to Entry Level 3 and these form qualifications within the Agored Cymru and Asdan awarding bodies.

Each student has an individualised curriculum designed to meet their personal needs and this is delivered through a range of challenging and exciting opportunities both within and outside of school. At present we are working on how best to incorporate the six Areas of Learning Experience into our curriculum which is a very exciting prospect. We have successful links with Bridgend College which offers our students taster sessions throughout their time in the Leavers Department in the areas of Performing Arts, Catering, Horticulture, Land based studies and Music. This gives students opportunities to try out different vocational pathways before deciding on the avenue to pursue when they leave Heronsbridge. To find out more about what we do within our department please explore the following areas:

Vocational Pathways
Careers & Work Related Education
Work Based Learning
Duke of Edinburgh
PMLD Provision
Ready for Life Programme